Are you and your spouse able to agree on the terms of your divorce?
If so, and if you have no children nor real property, our attorneys will draft Joint Summary Dissolution Forms for a flat fee of $99.
If you and your spouse have no children and no real property and are unable to agree on the terms of your divorce or if you require a legal separation or nullity, our attorneys will draft your Court Forms for a flat fee of $199.
If you and your spouse have children and no real property and are unable to agree on the terms of your divorce or if you require a legal separation or nullity, our attorneys will draft your Court Forms for a flat fee of $249.
If you and your spouse have children and real property and are unable to agree on the terms of your divorce or if you require a legal separation or nullity, our attorneys will draft your Court Forms for a flat fee of $299.
We also prepare Paternity documents. If you are not married and if you and the other parent are unable to agree on the terms of custody, visitation and support, our attorneys will draft your Court Forms for a flat fee of $249.
All document preparation orders require both payment and submission of the following detailed Client Information Sheet.
You will not be retaining our attorneys to represent you. Your documents will be prepared in your name, with you named as your attorney of record.
Our attorneys will not make any appearances for you in Court. However, the above fees include procedural email advice (up to 3 emails). Again, the only advice that will be provided will be generic procedural advice.
Our attorneys will not provide any case specific legal advice.